Elephant Parade London 2010

Hunting Elephants in London…

Elephant Parade is a conservation campaign that shines a spotlight on the crisis faced by the endangered Asian elephant. Brought to you by www.elephantfamily.org, the event sees over 250 brightly painted life-size elephants (each is decorated by a different artist or celebrity) located over central London – I think I have found 53 so far (31st May)!. Continue reading

Walking the Vanguard Way III

I had made good progress heading south so the walk today was shorter than planed, though with the good weather and beautiful South Downs I dawdled a while in places – remembering the days of walking the South Downs Way.

This is certainly a walk to do from North to South, and most enjoyable it was too – thanks to the Vanguards and their excellent website and their fantastic route directions. Continue reading

Walking the Vanguard Way II

The end of the first day had left me within touching distance of Ashdown Forest, though my legs were having second thoughts about it – they had become a little too used to the train and tube.

Thankfully I could leave the busy towns, roads and pony paddocks behind me today and enjoy the splendours of Ashdown Forest and the beauty of the South Downs in the distance. Continue reading

Walking the Vanguard Way I

Squeezing onto a commuter train at just gone 7am I stuck out a mile, plenty of tuts and rolled eyes as I tried to ease my way in with rucksack and walking stick – but nothing was going to stop me and the 3 days of walking.

Thanks to the Vanguards there is a way out of Croydon, allowing you to head south over the North Downs, through Ashdown Forest, arriving on the South Coast in Newhaven – theVanguard Way! Continue reading

Going for gold on National Trails

A National Trails Register was recently launched with certificates for completing trails!

I have quite enjoyed walking some of the National Trails, and have guidebooks for a few more, though I hadn’t quite realised that there are 18 trails spread across England, Wales and Scotland.

The Long Distance Walkers Association (LDWA) has set up the register for people completing at least 5 of the 18 National Trails, with certificates at 5, 10, 15 and 18 completed – which is over 2,800 miles if you complete them all. The first recipent, Allan Castle, completed the final Trail, The Speyside Way last May – 30 years after setting off on the South Downs Way (reported in OUTDOORSmagic.com). Here’s to more walking…

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Getting a virtual walking fix – The Outdoors Station podcast

The withdrawal symptoms were starting to take their toll, and my feet now get blisters just walking to the pub, but thankfully I can now get a virtual outdoors fix – The Outdoor Station autumn series 2008 podcast has just started.

I had never heard of the podcasts until a chap left me a message on this blog.  I quickly got hooked with the coverage of The European Outdoor Trade Fair at Friedrichshafen – well all that talk of gadgets was bound to get my attention.  I now have a long wish list to drool over during the winter.

There was a great little series on the Cape Wrath Trail – which is now on my list of long distance walks to do, and a fabulous podcast on Cicerone Press
‘The Book Of The Bivvy’ – which was so good it even got me thinking about the possibilities bivvying could bring me and I went out and brought the book.

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